So, we moved into our new home and it was a fresh start. I made a solemn, albeit, silent, vow to myself that we would never, ever collect that much stuff again. Go ahead, shake your head and laugh at the absurdity of such a statement. I would laugh too, if I wasn't the one looking around, again, at all of the crap.
If you have never read the book "The Life Changing Magic Of Tidying Up" by Marie Condo, do yourself a favor....don't. I'm kidding, definitely read it. Just be prepared to go through a cleaning/purging phase of scary proportions. You will want to get rid of every thing. You will even start eye balling family members and they really bring me joy? Even the family dog will start to fear a trash bag and the "must purge, must declutter" frenzy face. You know the face. Don't even lie.
I was standing in my closet the other day, just staring at the rows of clothes, the boxes of shoes and other odds & ends stacked on the shelves. And all I could think was "holy....stuff." Let's be real here...who needs 50 different shirts, 15 pairs of jeans, 7 jackets and 100 pairs of shoes? How, why, when did I amass all of these things? Was I sleep shopping my way through Amazon, the mall and Target? Oh man, don't even get me started on Target. The place where all of your simplifying dreams go to die.
Three, nearly four hours later, I had managed to completely clean out and purge the closet. I couldn't believe, that not even a year after moving in, I had already filled our closet with more crap than I knew what to do with. Honestly, it's because I always look at an article of clothing and think "well, maybe I'll wear that one day." You do that too, right? It's so easy to just hold on to things that you know, in your heart of hearts, you will never wear or use again. It's that "stuff" mentality. That "must have all of the things" feeling. You know that feeling, I know that you do. It's that same feeling you get when you walk into a Target and see the "Dollar Spot" sign. The things! All of the things! Give me! It's SO easy to get wrapped up in that feeling. It's like an adrenaline rush of sheer, one dollar, polka dot, gold and aqua notepad bliss. We've all been there, done that and walked out with the $200 Target receipt to prove it.
Now that my closet is done, I am eye balling the kitchen cabinets. They know they're next. I can hear all of the mismatched plates, cups, random bowls and knick knacks quivering in fear. I am determined to clear out the clutter so that I no longer have to deal with the Jenga tower of pots and pans every time I open a cabinet. So, who is with me? Come on, you know you want to. With spring right around the corner, now is the perfect time. We can keep each other accountable. We can talk one another down from the Target buying frenzy. We can do this.